Large Mirrored Cherry Stainless Steel Sculpture in Garden

Large Mirrored Cherry Stainless Steel Sculpture in Garden

NO.: AKZZ-190

Size: Customized

Material: Stainless steel #304

Surface: Polish Finish

Package: Wooden Batten box

Suitable: Square, park, garden




The cherry stainless steel sculpture, elegantly poised in a garden setting, is a stunning fusion of nature and modern art. This piece captures the essence of a ripe cherry, meticulously crafted from polished stainless steel, reflecting the surrounding greenery with a brilliant sheen. Its smooth, gleaming surface contrasts beautifully with the organic textures of the garden, creating a focal point that draws the eye and invites contemplation. The sculpture stands as a testament to the harmony between human creativity and the natural world, blending seamlessly into the landscape while adding a touch of contemporary sophistication.


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